How Gamification Has Taken Over, Brewing An Ancient Beer Again.
How Gamification Has Taken Over, Brewing An Ancient Beer Again.
How Gamification Has Taken Over, Brewing An Ancient Beer Again.
October 14, 2022
A sneak peek at the label for the Sixpoint Brewery beer created in collaboration with Science Friday.
If you're a person who enjoys beer, you've likely been aware of the craft beer boom of the last couple of decades.
India Pale Ales, or IPAs, have become some of the most popular types of beer brewed in local breweries.
It doesn't get more local than a type of beer that most people have never heard of: the gruit.
Fast forward a few hundred years to now, and you'll find brewers getting back to this hyper-local brewing tradition.
Those brewers include Isaac Patient, head brewer of Sixpoint Brewery in Brooklyn, New York.
His team partnered with SaaraNafici and Brendan Parker at Red Hook Farms to procure four key herbs for the brew: rosemary, tarragon, lemongrass, and mugwort.
Science Friday. (2022, October 14). How gamification has taken over, brewing an ancient beer again. Oct 14, 2022, part 1: Science Friday. Retrieved October 21, 2022, from