Gamification In Scrum Is Changing The Game
Gamification In Scrum Is Changing The Game
Gamification In Scrum Is Changing The Game
By Jacob Mathison
October 20, 2022
Jacob Mathison, CEO of Mathison Projects Inc. We've heard of gamification in HR and in the workplace, but what about gamification in scrum and agile methodologies-specifically in tech settings and businesses? According to the Society for Human Resource Management, gamification practices are an all-around sound proposition for HR. It appeals to a millennial workforce and fosters improvement in soft skills and hard skills, and reward systems encourage employees to meet deadlines.
In our view, there's a problem if we want to think of applying gamification in tech companies, especially in SaaS companies that are under pressure to innovate above all things.
Granted, SHRM articles generally agree on the fact that gamification comes at a price-not only because it can have high emotional costs but because games in business can go one of two ways: One either wins or goes home.
Second, according to Mike Brennan of Leapgen, one gamification scenario gone wrong "Shows that if you don't design the gamification solution to suit the workers you are trying to engage ... you run the risk of disengaging folks." It's interesting to note how scrum practices themselves include gamification through sprints in the context of agile methodologies and can use visual tools to incentivize work.
MORE FROMFORBES ADVISOR. However, our way of doing business locally is making gamification a "Less than fair play" deal.
What's more, some businesses don't need scrum or a specified QA tech, and some don't realize they are using scrum at all.
Far from the "Talented tech magnate" version of innovation, gamification is supposed to be simple, small and, mostly, an everyday affair.
Mathison, J. (2022, October 20). Council post: Gamification in Scrum is changing the game. Retrieved October 28, 2022, from