Gamification: Before you play, know what experts say
Gamification: Before you play, know what experts say
Gamification: Before you play, know what experts say
September 28, 2022
By Susan Fowler
They are dedicated to studying and applying motivation science to gaming - including video games and the gamification of education.
How did these lauded researchers get involved in video gaming? For starters, if you don't play some online interactive game, you are in the minority.
Explains Ryan, "Games have an incredible motivational pull. The better we understand, the deeper psychology behind the palpable love people have for video games, the more we can harness that energy to enhance education, training, and social and leadership skills development."
Rigby points out, "Many companies rush too quickly to gamification, making the mistake of confusing the tactic. of game mechanics as the goal. They turn internal websites for sales or human resources into games or contests that can often lead to ill-advised decisions to wrap glitzy badges and rewards around experiences. Those tactics not only don't sustain. motivation or build value but can hurt the relationship with employees because it communicates that the value lies in the badges and points, rather than the substance of your business or the health of your employees."
Research confirms that games based on reinforcing performance through rewards rather than recognizing and supporting intrinsic motivators do not yield enjoyment and immersion, the likelihood a person will play next week and a preference to play more games by a particular developer.
According to Deci, who did the first studies of monetary rewards and intrinsic motivation, "Giving rewards to reinforce learning undermines short-term learning and long-term engagement in games - and goals in the workplace. However, people will find activities intrinsically rewarding. and more deeply satisfying when their choice, connection and competence are respected, encouraged and supported by game elements and their managers at work."
Despite the misuse of gamification in the workplace, wouldn't it be amazing if we could help people fulfill their psychological needs and experience optimal through the games we play?
Fowler, S. (2022, September 28). Gamification: Before you play, know what experts say. Retrieved October 5, 2022, from