I Make Video Games. I Won't Let My Daughters Play Them.
I Make Video Games. I Won't Let My Daughters Play Them.
I Make Video Games. I Won't Let My Daughters Play Them.
October 2, 2022
By William Siu
Flying under the radar are video games even though kids in the United States spend much more time playing video games than engaging in social media, according to a recent Common Sense Media report.
Last year, China acted: It prohibited minors from playing video games on school days and more than an hour on weekend and holiday nights.
As a gaming entrepreneur in the United States for 13 years and a father of two young daughters, I don't think parents are doing enough to protect kids from the potential harms of video games.
A significant minority, 10 percent, developed pathological tendencies related to video games, including having difficulty stopping play.
As a matter of fact, I tell my daughters that I make board games like the ones they play at school.
Parents need to be made aware of the negative impact of the video games they may be letting their children play.
Going forward, I've decided to use my knowledge about video game design for good, to try to design educational games that are more engaging.
Siu, W. (2022, October 02). I make video games. I won't let my daughters play them. Retrieved October 7, 2022, from https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/02/opinion/video-game-addiction.html