Gamification in E-Learning: How Does It Work?
Gamification in E-Learning: How Does It Work?
Gamification in E-Learning: How Does It Work?
August 21, 2023
Gartner has defined gamification as "The use of game mechanics and experience design to digitally engage and motivate people to achieve their goals." In other words, gamification uses gaming elements in a nongame context, which could be any situation where engaging people with an instructive process is necessary.
In traditional training situations, learners depend on the trainer's enthusiasm and knowledge to engage them to finish the course.
So how can gamification be applied successfully to e-learning environments? The Elements of Gamification Effective gamified experiences require the blend of two elements: game mechanics and gamification techniques.
Just as every game has an attractive narrative, every learning experience needs an engaging plot that captures learners' attention.
A gamified learning experience for a pizza company that's training team members how to make a perfect pizza might follow the journey from receiving an order, through choosing the right base and adding the correct toppings in the right proportions, through the delivery of the pizza to the customer.
Gamification techniques recognize that learners can be stimulated by certain feelings or experiences, such as a desire for status or achievement, and that meeting targets can generate a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
Keeping track of where you are in the learning process, and recognizing the progress already made, is vital to engagement.
Gamification in e-learning: How does it work?. (2023, August 21). ATD. Main.