Gamification in Politics: Engaging Citizens Through Play
Gamification in Politics: Engaging Citizens Through Play
Gamification in Politics: Engaging Citizens Through Play
June 4, 2023
In recent years, it has also found its way into the realm of politics, with the aim of engaging citizens in the political process through play.
In addition to engaging individual citizens, gamification can also be used to foster a sense of community and collective action.
The "Community PlanIt" platform, developed by researchers at Emerson College, uses gamification to involve citizens in local planning processes.
While gamification in politics has shown promise in increasing citizen engagement, it is not without its challenges.
There is a risk that gamification may prioritize quantity over quality, with citizens focusing on earning points and badges rather than truly understanding the issues at hand.
Proponents of gamification in politics argue that it can serve as a valuable tool for sparking interest and engagement in the political process, particularly among younger generations who may be less inclined to participate through traditional means.
In conclusion, gamification in politics offers an innovative approach to engaging citizens in the political process through play.
CityLife. (2023, June 4). Gamification in politics: Engaging citizens through play. CityLife.