The Teen Mental Health Crisis is Real. Game Designers & Developers Can Help.
The Teen Mental Health Crisis is Real. Game Designers & Developers Can Help.
The Teen Mental Health Crisis is Real. Game Designers & Developers Can Help.
May 30, 2022
The play experiences game designers and developers create for teens can support them in building core social and emotional skills vital to their wellness.
This post is the last in our five-part series, Supporting Teen Mental Health.
It's no small wonder that rates of mental health struggles among teens are higher than ever.
Video games and social media are too often the easy scapegoats for teens' mental health challenges.
For designers, we've boiled it down to a list of 10 things to know when designing for this unique window of both opportunity and vulnerability to best support teens' mental health.
Teens' brains are undergoing the last major restructuring of development, making the teen years the perfect time to build skills and habits that help them throughout life.
We offer Game Design Kits., evidence-based guides to designing for mental health, and specific components of teen thriving like growth mindset and zest.
The Teen Mental Health Crisis is real. game designers and developers can help. (2022, May 30). Retrieved June 28, 2022, from