What Are The Advantages and Disadvantages of Gamification?
What Are The Advantages and Disadvantages of Gamification?
What Are The Advantages and Disadvantages of Gamification?
April 12,2022
By Tony Brown
The advantages of gamification are therefore undeniable.
Gamification first appeared in 2000 after the finding of employees' lack of enthusiasm for taking vocational training.
Gamification refers to the use of technologies and features derived from video games to apply them in the professional environment or in learning with the help of game animation company.
The purpose of gamification is to motivate employees or learners while transmitting essential values and essential information.
Although the results of gamification tend to confirm its effectiveness, studies have highlighted its limitations and disadvantages.
Another disadvantage is that gamification techniques often face the problems of cheating or hacking with robotic programs that can sabotage games.
The added values of gamification are indeed tangible provided you master the tools and know-how to use them wisely! Gamification can be a real asset for your professional training when it is consistent with the main objectives.
Brown, T. (2022, April 12). What are the advantages and disadvantages of gamification? Retrieved April 19, 2022, from https://www.gamespace.com/all-articles/news/what-are-the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-gamification/