The six levers of games-based learning: what makes learning games effective?
The six levers of games-based learning: what makes learning games effective?
The six levers of games-based learning: what makes learning games effective?
April 7,2022
By Terry Pearce
That games are effective learning tools has been shown again and again, with great clusters of evidence collected by Karl Kapp and Jane McGonigal, among many others.
My favourite framing of the question is: what do games do, to help people engage, learn and get more from the experience? As part of my work using games to design and facilitate learning experiences, I've built a framework to answer that question.
Of course learning won't be effective unless it's engaging.
Broken down this way, the six help me build new learning games that lean into the strengths of the medium.
Each of the six levers rests on the fulcrum: 'When we use games in learning, we'.
We can look at learning games - or any kind of learning experiences - through theselenses, and say, 'are we doing enough of each? Can we improve things by doing more?
Say, 'here's the challenge: how are you going to meet it?' Mimic the way life makes our best and stickiest learning happen.
Pearce, T. (2022, April 07). The six levers of games-based learning: What makes learning games effective? Retrieved April 13, 2022, from