One word at a time: How quiz-based games can help improve language skills
One word at a time: How quiz-based games can help improve language skills
One word at a time: How quiz-based games can help improve language skills
March 7, 2022
By Deeksha Teri
While the obsession for the game has increased over the past couple of months, set out to seek the answer to can such games help improve one's English language skills.
"Vocabulary quiz games, crossword puzzles and the recent popularity of the word game has garnered success and made people belonging to different age groups develop a new penchant for learning new English vocabulary words. Quiz and games can help the learners to improve their language skills. Even a beginner of English language will find it interesting to study English through games and quizzes," Navin told
"Language learning can be 'high stakes' or pressurised and games can help with this. People can often feel stressed when learning languages, particularly if English is studied as an academic subject and their future progress depends on learning the language," explained SyedaNudrat, Dr. Martin Nickosn and Tasnim Zaman who are academic members of Talking Hull, an English language teaching and research project based at the University of Hull.
These games can also play a huge role in introducing and brushing up English language skills for children in South Asian countries, where it is not their first language but is deemed to be very important and popular.
"I used to live in a small village earlier, before shifting to Patna, and my English teacher in the village school was not that great. My parents used to allow me to use their mobile phone for 30 minutes every day and even in that time, I could only play educational games. So, I started downloading English language quiz games. There are lots of quiz and interactive games on the Google Play store and I love playing them," said Shareen Singh.
"Quiz based games may help us develop a large vocabulary but unless we fully know what a word means and how to communicate using the word, the large vocabulary may not be helpful," explained language experts at the University of Hull.
"Because of this, we suggest educators should be cautious when introducing language quiz games and maybe do a bit of work if they want to introduce quizzes to a language class. Educators should probably not just take a language quiz game 'off the shelf' and introduce it to the class and expect results from their students. Instead, games should be adopted for classroom use if they are going to be effective learning tools."
Teri, D. (2022, March 07). One word at a time: How quiz-based games can help improve language skills. Retrieved March 12, 2022, from