Using gamification to ignite student learning
Using gamification to ignite student learning
Using gamification to ignite student learning
March 15, 2022
By Manoj Chawla
Gamification in learning has transformed traditional learning into an enhanced learning strategy to tackle concepts that might otherwise be harder to understand.
The same gamification principles applied to learning can lead to classes full of students who are intrinsically motivated to learn.
Examples A few educators institutes have utilized games for learning for various subjects to keep the students engaged in learning.
The technology has remodelled the education sector, and the traditional mode of teaching and learning has moved towards modern methods in India.
These trends in the education sector hold a more significant impact on the students learning.
Collaborative Software for Education Professionals To aid the teaching and learning experience, schools and institutes are implementing various software which can connect and collaborate more effectively.
Hybrid Mode The hybrid learning model has paved the way for digital transformation to the education sector.
Chawla, M. (2022, March 15). Using gamification to ignite student learning. Retrieved March 22, 2022, from