Benefits of Using Board Games in the Classroom
Benefits of Using Board Games in the Classroom
Benefits of Using Board Games in the Classroom
January 31, 2022
By Jackie Gerstein
As a kid growing up, I loved board games ... loved playing The Game of Life, Clue, and Sorry with my friends as a preteen and then Backgammon throughout my undergraduate years.
Research indicates that there is power in using board games in the classroom.
Board games and programs that use board games have positive effects on various outcomes, including educational knowledge, cognitive functions, physical activity, anxiety, [and] ADHD symptoms.
Board games were shown to contribute to improving these variables, enhancing the interpersonal interactions and motivation of participants, and promoting learning.
Board games can provide students with opportunities to apply concepts they have learned.
Board games promote collaboration, inquiry, and critical thinking.
Leave a comment about those board games you like to use with your students!
Gerstein, J. (2022, January 31). Benefits of using board games in the classroom. Retrieved February 25, 2022, from