Exploring Learning Gamification in Decentralized Education
Exploring Learning Gamification in Decentralized Education
Exploring Learning Gamification in Decentralized Education
By Noor
November 12, 2021
These innovations are essential as the traditional method of teaching did not sync with the students' learning preferences.
Decentralized learning is a non-traditional method of knowledge transfer that replaces the centralized, unidirectional flow of knowledge with an open-source, transparent and rewarding system.
Even though decentralized learning is an improvement on the existing system, it is still susceptible to some of the pitfalls of traditional learning systems.
When applied in the proper contexts in learning curriculums, they can improve the overall learning experience and help produce better-integrated students.
A gamified experience within a decentralized system allows learners to interact with other students, friends, teachers, classmates, etc.
In this decentralized system where no single entity holds all the power, students can modify their learning experience.
Marrying these concepts produces a gamified decentralized learning experience that is inclusive, effective, engaging, and rewarding.
Noor. (2021, November 12). Exploring learning gamification in Decentralized Education. Retrieved December 23, 2021, from https://techbullion.com/exploring-learning-gamification-in-decentralized-education/