What Is a Gameplay Loop in Gaming?
What Is a Gameplay Loop in Gaming?
What Is a Gameplay Loop in Gaming?
By Soham De
November20, 2021
Let's look at Tetris, which has one of the most recognizable gameplay loops in all of gaming.
Games usually have multiple gameplay loops that all feed into this core gameplay loop.
Most modern games have a lot more going on than Tetris, but they still need a core gameplay loop that keeps you hooked.
The core gameplay loop of a shooter, like Call of Duty or Battlefield, is spotting an enemy, shooting them, then moving to the next enemy-that's what you're doing for the majority of the game.
Gameplay Loops in RPGs. Now let's look at a genre with more complicated gameplay loops; role-playing games.
Looking at games like Skyrim, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, or Fallout 4, what would their core gameplay loop be? Ask yourself "What exactly do I do in these games"?
Gameplay loops vary from genre to genre, and understanding what you want from your game will help define what core gameplay loop it should have.
De, S. (2021, November 20). What is a gameplay loop in gaming? Make Use Of. Retrieved January 12, 2022, from https://www.makeuseof.com/gameplay-loop-gaming/