The difference between Gamification and Incentivization, and how to use them in edTech
The difference between Gamification and Incentivization, and how to use them in edTech
The difference between Gamification and Incentivization, and how to use them in edTech
August 4, 2022
By Tess Gadd
In an attempt to get you to learn daily Duolingo encourages you to keep a learning streak.
While you won't find certificates in games, they are a ubiquitous part of learning.
Making sandbox learning environments is difficult - no two ways about it! Unlike most e-learning, where there is no set learning path.
Levels are stages within a game or learning experience where each progressive stage becomes more challenging.
Levels are a great way for learners to visualize their learning progress.
Suppose your learning content is just videos or is for causal learning.
The problem with most learning media is that the media is passive and doesn't allow the learner to actively participate in their own learning.
Gadd, T. (2022, August 05). The difference between gamification and incentivization, and how to use them in edtech. Retrieved August 23, 2022, from