More than just child’s play: the power of gamified learning
More than just child’s play: the power of gamified learning
More than just child’s play: the power of gamified learning
By Dora Palfi
September 07, 2021
The gamification of learning is an educational approach that bridges the gap between 'work' and 'play' by introducing game elements into learning environments.
In essence, gamification is effective because learning through play taps into raw human emotion.
Unlike the banality of worksheets or the dichotomy of red crosses and green ticks, gamified learning and learning through play work to create relaxed environments in which students feel safe to explore and make mistakes.
As a result, gamified learning has reached a new level of relevance and impact.
Our data shows that girls who complete the first six imagiLabs learning games are more than three times as likely to continue using the app beyond the first month than those who complete three or less.
Gamified learning empowers students to be creative, driven and proactive learners.
As a dynamic educational approach with many positive cognitive effects, gamified learning certainly isn't just child's play.
Palfi, D. (2021, September 07). More than just child's play: The power of gamified learning. Retrieved November 03, 2021, from