Will gamification improve pro-social behaviours, motivation, academic and vocational orientation?
Will gamification improve pro-social behaviours, motivation, academic and vocational orientation?
Will gamification improve pro-social behaviours, motivation, academic and vocational orientation?
By Johan Crainich
March 12, 2020
Gamification can occur in popular education or in more institutionalised contexts, such as middle and high schools.
Gamification of academic and professional formation could lead to a more cohesive, understandable and engaging "Skill-tree based" system.
Gamification could be a tool to empower individuals and communities or another means to enforce social engineering to the profit of powerful and untrustworthy entities.
Will gamification improve pro-social behaviours, motivation and academic and vocational orientation? How I Gamified group-life before I knew I did.
In the future, legal or political actions could lead to more transparency and equity leading the way to an efficient gamification of the academic career.
In a nutshell, by implementing more transparency and proposing fun interfaces, we could improve greatly the way pupils take decisions about their academic and career orientation.
Gamification for social engineering? Teachers as sworn gatekeepers?
Crainich, J. (2021, March 12). Will gamification improve pro-social behaviours, motivation, academic and vocational orientation? Retrieved June 26, 2021, from https://www.ludogogy.co.uk/article/will-gamification-improve-pro-social-behaviours-motivation-academic-and-vocational-orientation/