Dungeons and Dragons Helps Me Live Without Duchenne for a Moment
Dungeons and Dragons Helps Me Live Without Duchenne for a Moment
Dungeons and Dragons Helps Me Live Without Duchenne for a Moment
By Hawken Miller
April 5, 2021
The adventures we've already had in our imaginations rival most fantasy books I've read. D&D has helped me escape from the real world, expand my creativity, improve my strategy and problem-solving skills, and stay connected with friends.
My character in D&D, on the other hand, is the most muscular female dwarf in all of Inathra.
During D&D we stay as true to our characters as possible in our mannerisms, personalities, and actions.
When we start up the online version of D&D, Roll20.net, and begin the video chat, I become Kriki, and she becomes me.
In D&D, the Dungeon Master controls the setting, story, and monsters that you fight.
In D&D, the world is your oyster, and those who think creatively on their feet usually.
One of my friend's characters died in a recent fight, and there unfortunately isn't a respawn feature.
Has made it hard for me to see friends from high school, and playing D&D has been a consistent way to bond with them.
No matter the distance, I can count on seeing them for D&D nights and having experiences in another world, literally.
I can be whomever I want and make my character's body do what it wants because Duchenne muscular dystrophy doesn't exist in the world of D&D. Neither do the everyday struggles I have to face because of it.
Miller, H. (2021, April 05). Dungeons and dragons helps me live without duchenne for a moment. Retrieved July 20, 2021, from https://musculardystrophynews.com/2021/04/05/dungeons-dragons-duchenne-escaping-reality/