Educational Innovation Based on the Power of Play
Educational Innovation Based on the Power of Play
Educational Innovation Based on the Power of Play
By Karina Fuerte
January 19, 2021
Last year, the international organization of Mexican origin, Educación para Compartir or Education for Sharing, was awarded by WISE for its innovative methodology, being the first time in the history of these awards that a Mexican organization wins this award.
The E4S methodology uses a "Play-reflect-act" framework that encourages teachers to teach dynamically and encourages girls' and boys' participation.
To learn more about this project and its methodology, we spoke with Dina Buchbinder Auron, Founder and President of Education for Sharing.
The idea was always to use a fun, inclusive, healthy methodology that would genuinely move us as people, as societies, as a planet.
OB: Tell us how your methodology works; how did it come about? DB: Our methodology arises from a desire to transform the way we learn because we know that it is not ideal to be sitting passively receiving information.
Through play, we tackle very abstract themes with our methodology, like those of the Sustainable Development Goals, including civic values such as sportsmanship, teamwork, respect, tolerance, and responsibility.
Our methodology is about translating socio-emotional skills into practice through cooperative games.
We do not involve children in "Adult issues." That is why it comes to my attention that at E4S, children are treated as people and agents of change.
Our methodology translates socio-emotional skills into practice through cooperative games.
OB: How do you encourage reflection and citizen participation in children? DB: That is the core of the methodology; you hit the nail on the head. The mechanism to activate that reflection is the cooperative game, the game as a laboratory and a place for exploration.
Fuerte, K. (2021, January 19). Educational innovation based on the power of play. Retrieved March 17, 2021, from