A Positive Perspective on Gaming and Your Health
A Positive Perspective on Gaming and Your Health
A Positive Perspective on Gaming and Your Health
By Colleen Steele
February 06 , 2021
I have read articles claiming that playing video games excessively can increase the risk of health problems.
Gaming was a distraction from pain, constant medical care, and hospital settings.
Besides what he brought from home, the pediatric hospital's child and family life department had gaming systems with an assortment of games that patients could borrow.
Gaming also gave Cullen incentive to get out of bed on days when it was difficult.
Cullen's love of video games inspired incredible understanding, kindness, and generosity from several people over the years.
As a caregiver, I have also found a few games I enjoy and refer to as "My guilty pleasures." Many years ago, while sitting in a clinic waiting room, Cullen begged me to download a game on my cellphone.
It is another life simulation game where players create their own islands.
Who hasn't gotten lost in thought, and next thing you know, you're at your destination? That's what it feels like for me when I play these games.
I'm not condoning gaming in place of real life.
When something like a rare disease makes it impossible to do these things, I believe there are healing powers for the mind in gaming.
Steele, C. (2021, February 08). A positive perspective on gaming and your health. Retrieved April 10, 2021, from https://pulmonaryhypertensionnews.com/2021/02/08/gaming-health-hospitalization-positives/