Mind MuZero AI can master games without knowing the rules
Mind MuZero AI can master games without knowing the rules
Mind MuZero AI can master games without knowing the rules
By JC Torres
Decemebr 23, 2020
The most powerful AIs today still rely on having certain known rules, like rules for a game of chess or Go. Human learning is often messy in inferential, learning the rules of life as we go.
DeepMind has long been trying to create such AIs using games as their environment and test suite.
Google's sister company focusing on AI research has just revealed its latest achievement in MuZero, an AI that can master a game without learning the rules beforehand.
While these AIs excelled in games with complex strategies but simple visuals, they failed when applied to more visually complex games where the rules are not so easy to infer.
That's where the new MuZero AI comes in and it uses a selection of Atari games, like Ms. Pac-Man, to test out their theory.
Most AI researchers use two strategies to tackle the learning problem, one of which is the lookahead search that relies on being given the rules or knowledge of a game.
DeepMind was definitely impressed by the efficiency and speed that MuZero was able to master games, even when given only a limited number of steps to plan ahead. It hopes that this new method of AI learning will be applied to messy real-world environments where the rules aren't laid down in a well-defined manner.
Torres, J. (2020, December 23). DeepMind MuZero AI can master games without knowing the rules. Retrieved January 06, 2021, from https://www.slashgear.com/deepmind-muzero-ai-can-master-games-without-knowing-the-rules-23652402/