Using Gamification to Increase Engagement During Hybrid Learning
Using Gamification to Increase Engagement During Hybrid Learning
Using Gamification to Increase Engagement During Hybrid Learning
Kendra Cameron-Jarvis
December 10, 2020
Gamification: defines gamification as "The use of activities and external rewards to encourage motivation in non-game contexts." Gamification strengthens motivation to learn by encouraging active learning, increasing attention span, and reducing student stress.
Immerse students in Google Street View Treks: Google Street View Treks are a series of virtual travel adventures that allow the user to explore the location in a 360-degree environment.
As students complete each learning task, they progress up to the summit of Mount Everest.
Label one "Original" and the other "Student." Use Insert > Image > Search the Web to find Creative Commons images to use as your background to save to your "Original" slides.
Add anything else to the slide that you do not want students to move.
Upload each PNG image as a background image to the "Student" slide
Promote student agency by giving students choice in what they read and how they learn by creating choice boards with leveled articles and short videos.
Creating a learning quest: In the Discovering the Ancient Pyramids Learning Adventure, students embark on a quest to discover what lies inside the Great Pyramid.
To add interest, I included Creative Commons music from YouTube's audio library and used BadgeBuilder to create a badge that students could display in their learning management system.
With a little creativity, you too can increase student engagement by creating your own Google Slides learning adventure.
Cameron-Jarvis, K. (2020, December 10). Using Gamification to Increase Engagement During Hybrid Learning. Retrieved December 19, 2020, from