Students test their skills with ancient board game
Students test their skills with ancient board game
Students test their skills with ancient board game
By Jalynn Hanes
December 11, 2020
Most of us are well aware of the complicated game of chess, where many skilled players can dominate their competition.
Few of us are aware that there is an ancient game called "Hnefatafl," that actually is a precursor to the modern game of chess we know today.
Students in Mrs. Michelle Anderson's mythology class had the immense pleasure of getting to experience this strategic game this past week.
Students in her class have been finishing up their Norse Mythology unit and she wanted to include an activity that would be both educational and fun.
Erson mentioned that students like to play a lot of card games during the harsh winter months, and Hnefatafl has been among their favorites.
Students have enjoyed this game for a variety of reasons and enjoy the chance to learn something new in the realm of board games.
Perhaps one of the favorite parts of this activity for students is the strategic element.
Jaxson Tronstad and Chris Volkers stated that the strategy and planning are their favorite elements of this game and would love to play it again in the future.
Olivia Gunderson explained why she enjoys the game too, "I like the concept of the pieces moving more simply than with chess." Lastly, students surely enjoy a little bit of healthy competition and getting to brag and complain with one another during the tournament they play at the end of this unit.
Mrs. Anderson hopes that students take away something more about Skandanavian culture and had some fun in the process.
Hanes, J. (2020, December 11). Students test their skills with ancient board game. Retrieved December 15, 2020, from