Game-Based Learning: What Is It? GBL vs Gamification: Types and Benefits
Game-Based Learning: What Is It? GBL vs Gamification: Types and Benefits
Game-Based Learning: What Is It? GBL vs Gamification: Types and Benefits
By Iacopo Falciani
July 02, 2020
Basically, GBL is a strategy that uses the idea of a playing game to reach specific learning objectives, whether they belong to knowledge, skills, or attitudes.
EdTechReview defines gamification as "the application of game elements and digital game design techniques to non-game problems, such as business and social impact challenges.
Different types of GBL. In order to understand GBL better, its different types can be examined along with taking the following into consideration: the place where the game happens, and the environment in which the students play.
Keep in mind that building an educational game can be a great Project Based Learning activity.
Gamelearn, a well known organization that connects games and learning at any level, recognizes that "Game-based learning has become the best solution for soft skills learning.
Find more about how to use game based learning to promote students' ethical, social, and cognitive skills in our teacher training course.
What is your experience with Game-Based Learning? What kinds of games have you incorporated into your classroom? Do you think games are motivating? Let us know your thoughts and share any other ideas about including games and/or game based learning in your classroom by commenting below.
Falciani, I. (2020, July 02). Game-based learning: What is it? GBL vs Gamification, Types, Benefits. Retrieved November 08, 2021, from