Gamification Through Minecraft
Gamification Through Minecraft
Gamification Through Minecraft
By Megan Park
July 13, 2021
Studies have shown that games can increase student motivation through engagement and light-hearted competition.
One way to add gamification and game-based learning to the classroom is through integrating educational video games into the curriculum.
Through games students are provided a sense of agency, as they personally control their own choices.
Minecraft is a gamification tool, which allows students to build, participate, and evaluate project-based learning activities.
Students have the opportunity to build anything their imagination fabricates, as Minecraft offers a variety of different virtual building blocks to use.
Through the MinecraftEDU edition, students can collaborate within the same world without a separate server setup.
Through MinecraftEDU students develop 21st century learning skills by collaborating with others, solving problems, and thinking critically.
Park, M. (2018, July). Gamification through minecraft. Retrieved September 30, 2021, from