How We Use Gameschooling to Supplement Spanish Classes
How We Use Gameschooling to Supplement Spanish Classes
How We Use Gameschooling to Supplement Spanish Classes
By Luke Barker and Autumn Barker
June 7, 2021
While some families consider any game beneficial and don't necessarily seek out games specifically designed and marketed as "Educational" games, other families might pick a game designed to cover a certain skill or topic that needs reinforcing or include games as a part of a larger unit of study.
It is important to know that regardless of the game or how gameschooling is implemented, there are plenty of benefits to sitting down and playing.
In addition to the general benefits of gameschooling listed above, some games take it a step further and purposefully incorporate specific educational elements to the game.
One important thing to note is that when we, Schooling Meeples, talk about "Gameschooling" we are referring to board games, not games on digital platforms.
Now he's finishing up kindergarten, and as we've transitioned to using gameschooling as a part of our day and our curriculum, it's been surprisingly easy to find or create a game around the specific skills or subjects we want to cover.
We've had great success by combining the Homeschool Spanish Academy lesson plans with some classic games and coming up with our own Spanish Frankengames.
One of the first games we played was a game we made up to practice and learn some of the new vocabulary introduced during our first lesson.
Barker, L., & Barker, A. (2021, June 23). How we use gameschooling to supplement Spanish classes. Retrieved September 22, 2021, from