The Gamification of Everything
The Gamification of Everything
The Gamification of Everything
By Dori Exterman
June 14,2021
What Does Cross-Pollination Look Like?Cross-pollination of gaming tech takes a number of forms-some quite overt, others more subtle.
From scene development based on a gaming methodology and gaming engines, to an entire popular series.
From companies like Invrsion, which offers game-like virtual reality tools for retail, to Salesforce, which adopted a game motif for key training-business functionality augmented by gaming tech and gaming user experience enhancements are becoming standard.
The gamification of everything else-Shopping for clothes online during lockdown? The functionality that lets you "Try on" garments is based on gaming tech.
Why Gaming? A Unique Technology IncubatorThe question that companies in any industry should be asking is: why is gaming able to create such powerful, flexible and inspiring tech that lends itself so well to cross-pollination?
First off, gamers are out-of-the-box thinkers, to say the least, and game developers-well, they broke the box before the gamers even got there.
More money coming in translates to more investment in developing, improving or acquiring tech, as well as to launching more and more new games.
Exterman., D. (2021, June 14). The Gamification of Everything. DevOps.