Games, Gamification, and Games-Based Learning for Educators
Games, Gamification, and Games-Based Learning for Educators
Games, Gamification, and Games-Based Learning for Educators
Gamification uses existing tools and mechanics from games and applies them in non-game settings. Games-based learning is about designing learning activities so that game principles are the basis for the activity, lesson, class or course.
Are you a teacher, professor, instructor, or trainer? Have you always wanted to use games, gamification, and games-based learning for your students in your classroom?
Here are THREE courses that will teach you from the ground up HOW to….
Use games for teaching and learning
To apply games-based learning in an online environment
Create a games-based learning course from the ground up
Normally priced at $291 NOW on sale for $146 for a 50% savings
Games for Learning
By University XP
Taught by Dave Eng, EdD
Was $97 now $49 with code AUGUST
Gamification for Online Learning
By University XP
Taught by Dave Eng, EdD
Was $97 now $49 with code AUGUST
Game-Based Learning Lesson
Development Course
By Board Gaming with Education
Taught by Dustin Staats
Was $97 now $78 with code UNIVERSITYXP
Hurry! Offer Ends Friday September 4, 2020 at 11:59pm Eastern Time