There's a new initiative to create a game industry code of ethics
There's a new initiative to create a game industry code of ethics
There's a new initiative to create a game industry code of ethics
By Alex Warwo
July 14, 2020
A group of game industry professionals and academics launched a new collaborative initiative aimed at collectively codifying and improving ethics in games. This new Ethical Games initiative was unveiled today during a live panel discussion on game ethics at the Games for Change Virtual Festival.
Together, game UX consultant Celia Hodent, Geogrify chief Kate Edwards, UCI visiting researcher Kat Lo, and Fair Play Alliance cofounder Carlos Figueiredo discussed how their work had sparked their passion for addressing ethical issues in the game industry. «I think a lot of the ways we think about ethics are reactive,” said Lo.
They described a pressing need for more conversation and commitment to ethical standards in everything from community management to localization and culturalization, pointing to examples of how unethical practices in the game industry have hurt people and the industry at large.
They also called for higher ethical standards within the game industry, calling out harmful examples and encouraging game makers to expect ethical behavior from their employers, their peers, and themselves. «But throughout it all they kept the people who suffer from unethical treatment in the game industry front and center, calling repeatedly for more game industry workers to collaborate on this initiative and work to improve the ethical standards for both players and creators. » For more details on the effort, check out the Ethical Games website.
Wawro, A. (2020, July 14). There's a new initiative to create a game industry code of ethics. Retrieved July 17, 2020, from