AI Offers Video Game Design Possibilities Far Beyond Virtual Reality
AI Offers Video Game Design Possibilities Far Beyond Virtual Reality
AI Offers Video Game Design Possibilities Far Beyond Virtual Reality
By Synced
June 13, 2020
It has already been more than 60 years since the first video game was invented, and thanks to tremendous improvements in hardware capacity and innovations in game design, today's players have countless excellent options across countless game categories.
The video game industry was worth US$139 billion in 2018, with a projected annual growth rate of 12 percent through 2025.
As visual quality and gameplay becomes increasingly rich and sophisticated, leading video game companies are accelerating their investments in machine learning to take their games to the next level.
Advanced computer vision technology is supercharging virtual and augmented reality, one of the latest milestones in video game design.
How Machine Learning Helps Game Developers Express Creativity Unity Engine is one of the most well-known cross-platform game engine for designing video games.
How Machine Learning Powered Features Are Reforming the Gaming Experience No Man's Sky is a science-fiction survival and exploration game in which users visit fictitious planets with varying landscapes and creatures.
Designed by the Fu Xi AI Lab of the Chinese video game firm Netease, Ni Shui Han is an online Chinese traditional-style desktop game that was released in 2018.
Although the full extent of AI integration in the industry remains to be seen, there is no doubt that machine learning algorithms will play an increasingly important role in interactive entertainment like video games.
Every video game imitates a complex imaginary world.
Just as AI technologies are revolutionizing nearly all industries in the real world, there are endless possibilities to explore in the chemistry between AI and game design.
Synced. (2020, June 13). AI Offers Video Game Design Possibilities Far Beyond Virtual Reality. Retrieved June 15, 2020, from