Self-Gamification and the Core Gameplay Loops
Self-Gamification and the Core Gameplay Loops
Self-Gamification and the Core Gameplay Loops
By Victoria Ichizli-Bartels
August 21, 2020
Self-Gamification is the art of turning our own lives into fun games, of which we are both the designers and the players.
After turning my life into games continuously for several years now, I am still a non-gamer in the traditional sense of games.
On the contrary, I find myself to design and play my self-motivational games more and more, both in times of joy and those of being upset.
A note to game and gamification designers: This core mechanic of games will be well-known to you, but please bear with me and in mind that I am a non-gamer playing a role-playing game of an anthropologist studying among other this fantastic and still very fresh and new for me game design and play cultures.
"At the heart of your game's design, there are core mechanics, and the core gameplay loop. In short, it's the main activities that structure the entire design and the players engage into repeatedly, in a looping sequence. It's part of the essence of the game, something you cannot remove without fundamentally altering the experience."
"In the original Mario, this would be walking, running and jumping. The various enemies, bosses, and environments stem from the core mechanics. They are here to surprise the player, challenge his skills and keep the experience fresh. In other words: to exploit the core loop to its fullest, and add extra depth to the experience." - Game Analytics.
After learning about the core game loops, I realized that Self-Gamification, and thus also each challenge, project, or activity turned into a self-motivational game, has a specific core gameplay loop too.
Become aware -> play the "Anthropology of Now Game";.
Take the small step -> play the "Kaizen Game";.
The only thing I need to do is to be willing to see what is in front of me as a game and actually play those games, including the design and appreciation "Games."
Ichizli-Bartels, V. (2020, August 21). Self-Gamification and the Core Gameplay Loops. Retrieved October 10, 2020, from