How Video Games Improves Your Mental Health
How Video Games Improves Your Mental Health
How Video Games Improves Your Mental Health
The idea that video gaming improves your mental health and brain function is still relatively new. Most people still think that video gaming causes lethargy and social disengagement. The reality is quite different, especially with new generation games that bring communities together. In this article we outline some of the ways console gaming is beneficial for your mental health and can improve your brain's function.
Anxiety and Depression
Gaming has been given a bad rap over the years with criticism being leveled at it for corrupting young minds and contributing to transgressive behaviors. Now studies are emerging that show something quite different, video games can actually contribute significantly to mental wellbeing.
One study from East Carolina University suggests that playing simple video games for thirty minutes a day, or when needed, can help to alleviate and control the symptoms of anxiety and depression. The results are impressive and even rival medication for effectiveness.
The study found that simple games are best for controlling symptoms. Games such as Angry Birds, Bejeweled, and Tetris are found to work best, perhaps because they help stabilize an overactive mind and bring it into a more relaxed space of awareness.
One aspect of video gaming for mental health that has never been disputed is its positive effects on memory. It has been found that playing larger world games like Super Mario 3D World is very beneficial for improving your brain's memory function and its overall performance.
According to a study by the University of California the reason gaming is so good for your brain health is because it acts like a mental gym for the hippocampus – the part of the brain responsible for memory function. Regular gaming in suitable games and educational environments is the same as working out.
If you feel like you have a sub-optimal memory or you want to improve its performance for your studies, consider playing a larger world game as part of your program, it will exercise your hippocampus and improve your brain's retention and recall.
Social Interaction
When it comes to social interaction video games once again have a bad reputation. There are lots of clichés around the idea of a loner individual spending hours in a game world and neglecting real world friends and family.
Some games do require many hours to complete and a player should be mindful of how much time is spent on the game at one time, however, the stereotype is often false, especially with new generation gaming. Games today often have online multiplayer functions that connect reclusive types with likeminded people.
If someone has social anxiety, for instance, or agoraphobia there options for socializing might be limited. With new generation games a new world of possibilities opens up and allows players to communicate and interact in a comfortable setting.
Video Games Make Your Smarter
If you've ever heard someone say you're wasting your time playing video games or trying to get the best gaming laptop deals, just remember there's strong evidence against it. In fact, studies show that playing video games regularly can make you smeared and increase your brain's grey matter.
The study in question was conducted by the Max Planck Institute in 2014. In the study, 24 people were given the task of playing Mario 64 in thirty minute intervals over a two month period. Following the study the players were compared to a control group who didn't play the game.
It was found that players in the study showed more grey matter along with better memory and strategic planning abilities. That doesn't sound like a waste of time. On the contrary, it sounds like brain training that could contribute to a person's real world studies or career objectives.
Improved Mood and Sleep
In general, those who have a console in their house or room experience less anxiety and depression than those who don't. That's partly because the console games are very effective at disengaging you from your thoughts and any painful realities of your life.
Why this is not a long term solution to the issues of stress, anxiety, and depression, it is an effective treatment. It is particularly effective in the hours before sleep if you have high anxiety. Playing a game before bed will relax you and help you get the rest you need.
These tools and techniques are invaluable for those suffering from high anxiety and depression. Quality sleep is very important for balancing your brain chemicals and regulating your moods, if you don't get enough quality sleep it could worsen your mental health conditions – but console gaming is known to help.