Game On! How Educational Games Encourage Learning And Increase Engagement
Game On! How Educational Games Encourage Learning And Increase Engagement
Game On! How Educational Games Encourage Learning And Increase Engagement
By Frankie Wallace
August 18, 2020
Educational video games are almost as old as the modern computer industry itself.
Video games are far and away the most popular form of play for older children.
Cognitively, games provide both challenge and reward.
Video games can also teach essential life skills, skills that are often overlooked in the traditional classroom.
Games in fintech can help your future adult learn to create a budget, make wise financial decisions, and build good credit.
Learning through gaming doesn't just happen at home.
Now more than ever, educational video games are taking center stage in America's classrooms.
Wallace, F. (2020, August 18). Game On! How Educational Games Encourage Learning and Increase Engagement. Retrieved August 23, 2020, from