Blended High Impact Experiential Learning (BHIEL)
Blended High Impact Experiential Learning (BHIEL)
This past February 12, 2016 I was honored to present at the annual NYU Student Affairs Conference at their Kimmel Center of University Life on my work in Blended High Impact Experiential Learning for my staff trainings. Below is the program abstract and outline. If you weren’t able to make the presentation I have provided both the Prezi and Blended Versal Course so that you can share the presentation out with your staff. Enjoy!
Program Abstract & Outline:
Student affairs professionals must find ways to engage and educate students using emerging tools with established theory. Blended high impact experiential learning (BHIEL) combines traditional face-to-face instruction with digital media and high impact experiential activities in order to create a student centered learning environment. This session examines how one school’s student staff training program used BHIEL to creatively meet learning outcomes; engage students; and develop student leaders using free online educational resources. Outcomes and future applications are discussed.
The program will begin by reviewing what Blended High-Impact Experiential Learning (BHIEL) is and how it came to be implemented as a student training pedagogy. A review of constructivism and experiential learning will be provided as well as a theoretical framework. Attendees will be presented with a set of learning outcomes and pedagogical applications for each during the session. A series of steps including blended online and in-person material from the training will be presented as well as evidence of the high impact experiential learning applications. Connections will be drawn to Kolb’s (1998) model on experiential learning involving concrete experience, abstract conceptualization, personal reflection, and active experimentation. The session itself will be blended with the introduction of face-to-face presentation; high definition video; audience response; and challenges for knowledge retention. The actual online material used for the student staff training will be shared with participants who wish to emulate its structure for their own applications. Learning outcomes and assessment of the program will also be discussed.
Presentation Prezi:
Blended Versal Course:
Dr. Dave Eng, EdD
Managing Partner
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Eng, D. (2016, March 12). Blended High Impact Experiential Learning. Retrieved MONTH DATE, YEAR, from
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