On today’s episode we’ll cover “Applying Feedback.” Applying feedback from play testing games, table top games, and educational games is incredibly important. It’s important for multiple reasons. Those reasons extend from shaping the player experience; to connecting learning outcomes; to making sure that the experience stays “fun.”
Read MoreOn today’s episode we’ll cover “Game Components.” Games are often broken down into smaller elements. This is done in order to help designers create them as well as help academics study them. Of course there is debate on what exactly constitutes a game “dynamic” or “mechanic.” I realize that there is much contention over what these terms mean.
Read MoreOn today’s episode we’ll cover “Engagement Curves” in games. Creating engaging games are what designers are always trying to do. Making sure that the game is challenging - but not too difficult. Making sure that the game is fun - but not too easy. Making sure that the game is impactful - but not too serious.
Read MoreOn today’s episode we’ll cover “Game Mechanics.” One of the first things that designers attempt to do with a new game is outline its mechanics. Specifically, they’re trying to determine what players will be doing throughout the game and how they’ll accomplish it.
Read MoreOn today’s episode we’ll answer the question “What is Sandbagging?” Competition can be a great concept in a game. We all start out with the same setup or resources, and then, through the structure of the game; its mechanics; and dynamics we discover a victor who has rightfully defeated us all.
Read MoreOn today’s episode we’ll answer the question “What is an Idiogame?” Most of the games that we know and play include a slew of interesting and meaningful decisions. Oftentimes those decisions lead to us winning the game and triumphing over our opponents.
Read MoreOn today’s episode we’ll answer the question “What is an Orthogame?” Different people play different games for different reasons. Some of us play games to enjoy ourselves. I like to play games to socialize with others. Some people play games to win. Yet, some other people play games to learn and cooperate.
Read MoreOn today’s episode we’ll cover socializing games. Games are powerful tools that can be used to help students achieve their learning outcomes. That is the focus of games-based learning. Many educators have relied on games, in whole or in part, to help their students grow.
Read MoreOn today’s episode we’ll cover building soft skills with games. Games are capable of helping students learn any number of different skills. Likewise, simulations can be used to help students learn something more intuitively than they would from traditional classroom instruction.
Read MoreOn today’s episode we’ll cover games for adult learning. Adult learning represents a substantial field of higher education. Though, in media and pop culture, they don’t often represent the quintessential college student.
Read MoreOn today’s episode we’ll cover the decision space in games. One can say that decisions are the heart of many games. It’s why we play: to see the impact of our actions. As game designers; we want to empower players to live their fantasies through our games.
Read MoreOn today’s episode we’ll cover core loops in games. The core loop is what most players engage with and remember when they are playing your game. The core loop is the most engaging and active element of your design. The core loop matters whether creating the next great video game; table top game; or serious game.
Read MoreOn today’s episode we’ll cover abstraction in games. Abstraction is not something that we often think about deeply when we play games. Most of us play games for fun. That’s what most games are for. But abstraction is the heart of what makes games… games.
Read MoreOn today’s episode we’ll cover achievements in games. Achievements in life are a way to commodify what we’ve accomplished. Some can say that achievements are the way that we commemorate a major life moment or event. But achievements in games are different. While we might recognize most of them occurring in video games; there are other ways to award achievements to players in games.
Read MoreOn today’s episode we’ll cover point scoring in games. Scoring points is something that most people are familiar with in games. Scoring can be as easy as earning money in Monopoly or scoring the longest road in Settlers of Catan. But scoring points overall is just one method of giving feedback to players based on their actions. Points can be used for so much more when they are integrated with learning outcomes and a games-based learning approach to design.
Read MoreOn today’s episode we’ll cover the User Experience. This episode is based on Celia Hodent’s post: Understanding the Success of Fortnite: A UX & Psychology Perspective. See the show notes or description for a link to the original article.
Read MoreOn today’s episode we’ll cover Gaming with Motivation. Intrinsic motivation is one of the most powerful motivating factors for people. Intrinsic motivation is what keeps players playing. They play for the love of the game instead of for a particular reward. But what is intrinsic motivation? What is motivation in general?
Read MoreOn today’s episode we’ll cover Weaknesses of Games Based Learning. Games-based learning is a serious method for us to meet the needs of our students in way that is both engaging and impactful. However, there are still some limitations to games-based learning that need to be considered before educators can use it in practice.
Read MoreOn today’s episode we’ll cover how we learn through games by making more mistakes. Mistakes happen to be just one part of life. They are something is common to anyone anywhere. We’ve all made mistakes at some point in our lives. Games are no different. In fact, games are hot beds for mistakes.
Read MoreOn today’s episode we’ll cover the “flow state” we experience when playing games. Engaging in a state of “flow” is one of the most mesmerizing things that your players can do. They are engaged with your game. They are performing at the top of their ability. They are so engrossed that they begin to lose track of time.
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